Welcome the arrival of Baby #2!!!
Through my tagboard, some of you may have know that I have given birth.
Yes, Baby#2 had arrived on 8 May 2008.
Baby is now 8 days old. Today, 16 May 2008, supposed to be his pop day but he decided to comes 8 days earlier which I am happy about it, as those who had read my previous posts, I am in much pains before he comes to this earth. He is still nameless, as we are waiting for my in laws who had approached a Master to calculate his birth time and date to match a name for him which Chinese believe will bring a better live. So right now, everyone is calling him BABY.
Here's my birth story to share,
10am: was waken up by a sharp pain. After the pain went off, i went to toilet. Saw some blood stain, use toilet paper to clean again and saw mucous plug(a jelly-like discharge) came off and more blood stain. It's a show! Told my maid that i maybe in labour today then she told me to better eat what i want before labour. For those who dunno what is "show", a show is a blood-tinged mucous discharge from the vagina that indicates the onset of labour.
1pm+: More blood stain so decided to sms mil(mother-in-law) that i may go into labour today cos there is show and gynae asked to wait for contractions to come, if i dun said gynae said wait for contractions to come, she sure to ask me go hospital straight away.
2pm: mil called and asked me to go over to her place to wait for contractions to kick in.
5.15pm: Contractions finally kick in and started timing it, it comes every half and hour. After each contraction, i had diarrhoea.
6.15pm: mil asked how is it, told her contractions is 30mins apart, then she said i better eat and bath then go hospital.
6.30pm: while eating, the pain is more intense and contractions is like 15mins apart. After eating took a can of F&N orange to drink, mil laugh at me for enjoying my last cold drink and said that we should have buy ice kachang to eat earlier on. At the meantime, fil(father-in-law) and bils(brother-in-laws) came home. One of my bil still tell me he will visit me in hospital later then he said "i think u should be giving birth on friday or saturday right?" I was like "what?! i giving birth today lor." Then he got a shocked.
7pm: Called hubby to inform him that i will be going to hospital, asked him to go hospital immediately after he finished his work at 8.30pm cos i want to take a bath and etc, told him still can wait. Called my mummy to inform her too. Was telling mil, i want to go hospital after 8pm cos i want to watch the channel8 7pm show but only managed to watch the first 15mins cos my contractions was like 5mins apart and i was getting worried, did not tell my in laws about the contractions interval, i just keep quiet and go upstair bathroom to take a bath. While taking a bath, i was able to time my contractions more accurately cos there is a digital clock in there and its 3mins apart and the pain is getting more intense but still bearable. Just nice hubby called to said he on his way to hospital, he rushed down to hospital though i asked him to go after work but then lucky he rushed down if not he will have miss my delivery process, then he asked where am i, told him i bathing, still at home but will go hospital after i finished cos contractions is 3mins apart. Supposed to go hospital when contractions is 10mins apart, now 3 mins and i still at home, BATHING!
7.30pm: after i prepared myself, i told mil the contractions is like 3mins apart then she said "let's go now". Was pretty shocked cos when she said go now, whole family stood up and walked to the car, machiam family outing lor.
7.45pm: hubby called to said he reached the hospital, i told him we still on our way, asked him to smoke first if not later no time to smoke then he said he ran out of cigarette, i still can asked him how he gonna tahan without cigarette (in my mind still thinking my labour will take at least 2 to 3 hours). Fil made a stop at SPC petrol kisok to buy cigarette for hubby and biscuits for me to eat. Kiern still can asked "hey! here where got didi, no didi here!"
8pm: reached hospital, hubby waiting at the reception area. Gave my admission letter to the personnel there and was brought up to the delivery suite.
8.16pm: Was asked to changed to the hospital gown.
8.20pm: Told hubby to go out and eat first(mil tabao for him from home) after eating then come in, he said he be back by 9pm, i told him "what 9pm? why take so long? then he said "eating dinner where got so fast." after he left i was strapped on to CTG, while the nurse strap me on with ctg, i felt water coming out, i thought is my urine leakage, told the nurse that i have leakage, she asked me if it is urine or waterbag, i goes "hmm... i think is urine" Then she checked my cervix, she said "very good, this will be a fast one for you, you are 5-6cm dilated and your waterbag had burst and your cervix wall is very thin now, you can give birth to a dozen, no problem for you." So the water i felt is not my urine, is the waterbag. Nurse asked where is my hubby, told her hubbby went out to eat his dinner, she asked me to call him to ask him come in to do admission and eat in the delivery suite as my labour will be very fast. Hubby came in then nurse told him to do admission, he came back after doing admission then i informed him that i am 5-6cm dilated and waterbag had burst. He was like "huh? 6cm liao so fast, left 4cm that means we are halfway there." The nurse laugh at him and asked if we have family members waiting outside, she asked hubby to quickly informed them and come back. He took his dinner with him, went out and came back after informing and eating his dinner in less than 10mins. Nurse asked if i need to use laughing gas, i said maybe so she put the mask beside me.
8.40pm: Nurse called gynae to ask if need to insert enema since i had diarrhoea after every contractions. Nurse came back and insert enema. Waited 5mins for the enema to act, went washroom to clear bowel after enema started its effect.
8.50pm: The pain became unbearable then nurse asked if i want to use the laughing gas, i see the mask beside me, seriously is like seeing Tracy( a May 2008 mummy which i got to know in a forum and she mentioned she used the laughing gas and imagine herself in zouk, drinking long island) asking me to join her in zouk lor. haha.. so i used the mask, initially i used the wrong way keep breathing in super fast then the nurse corrected me and i am high!
8.55pm: After that one unbearable contraction, the nurse asked me to press the bell if i got the urge to push and she told hubby that we can watch tv if we want and show us where is the controller. hubby asked if i want to watch and which channel, i am thinking 9pm soon only channel8 got show so hubby switch on tv then just nice the nurse came in and asked him to do something, dunno what they asked him to do. Just when he stepped out, i got a urge to push, i panic, never press the button for nurse, waited again and the urge to push is even greater. I pressed the button straight away. The nurse came and i was panting when i told her i got the urge to push, just then a stronger contractions and stronger urge to push came and i screamed then the nurse stuff the mask to me and said "breath in breath out, dun push yet, breath in again and breath out.."
From here, i dun really know what happened as i am in trance.Every thing just happened very fast from here, dunno what they doing but can hear their voices, heard the nurse saying i am 8cm dilated, another nurse came in to say gynae called to say he be here in 20mins, then the nurse who are there with me replied "No! tell him cannot wait, must come NOW! Ask him to come down NOW!" Then felt the pulling and all, grab hubby hand very hard and at times the pain was unbearable i scream then the nurse will said "breath in breath out" then i just followed. At a point the nurse asked if i wan to take away the mask, i shook my head vigorously and the nurse tell hubby dun let go the mask cos i like it. Saw gynae rushing in, can see he really rush his way here. Straight away, i was told to push. A nurse suggested gynae to use vacuum when i failed to push out the baby after a few attempts, heard gynae saying "she already at this stage if use vacuum a bit pity, let her push the baby out herself, she can do it." Gynae then talk to me in his usual assurance voice, telling me that where i do wrong and asked me to follow his instructions. The nurse who are there with me from the start told me baby head is already 0.5cm out, asked me to give a good push and i will see the baby. God know how many times i tried then the baby is out. While gynae is stitching me up, i am like a drunkard trying to tell my hubby "i want to see my baby", hubby was back facing me cos baby was in the warmer beside my bed. After saying for dunno how many times then hubby realised me talking so he said have to wait they cleaning baby up. After that then i realised my gynae like never snip my cervix then i asked hubby if gynae cut he said no, mine is a natural tear and gynae help me by stretching my cervix. If mummies who are pro-natural birth one, i will highly recommend my gynae, because of him, i dun need a episotomy and i am able to push my baby out myself without any help. Kiern was born with the help of vacuum, so back then i dunno how is it like to push a whole baby out. I am glad i did it this time round :)
^Right after he was out, he was put on a diaper.
^See how puffy he is.. hehe.. newborns are like that.
^Right after the nurse clean him up
^1 day old
^One day old, back to his dreamland after feeding him.
^Kiern trying to sayang his didi
^Kiern keep insisting that he wants to carry his didi.
^See Kiern nervous look.
^One nice brothers pic.
^For those who want to buy 4D
^Five days old. Hubby trying to burp him.
^One week old.
^One week old.
^One week old. Pretending to sleep.
^One week old. I got you!
^ Pressie from god-mums, aunties and uncles.
To Baby's god-mums: Thanks for the gift and so sorry that you gals wasted your trip to my place. Now baby had settled down, you are welcome to my place to visit baby anytime :)
To Yana, Liying, Ah Bao, Fu Qiang & Rick: Thanks for the gift and visiting me and baby in hospital. Do wish we have more time to chat and gossip that day :P.. hehe.. but anyway we will meet again.
To Xuan Hui & Syazwan: Got your wishes thru Yana. Thank you.
To Ee Lin, Vickie, Lynn, Sher, Ting Zhen: Read the tagboard le, thank you!