Saturday, June 06, 2009

Party 2nd Stop, 25 April 2009 - Rayden's Party

Rayden's party was at Aloha Changi chalet. It was a huge party as many people attended. The buffet food was one of the better one I ever tried. The decoration was very nice! The weather was very hot so we people from SMH, all hide in a room with air-con on.

Beside chatting, haha... we find entertainment thru our babies. But how? lol! By letting Keon and Dylan try on nice sweet lil head band. Choc was on the mission of putting the head band whereas I was on the mission to capture the moment.
^Poor Dylan! He was crying for help, he just hated to be dress like a gal. I think in his mind he was thinking "I'm a man ok!"

^and this is my lil Keon gal..opps! haha.. he dun even know what is happening. still that blur blur look.

^My boy. haha.. Keon's new mummy? hehe, no.. that is Doris, Rayden mum.

^Party decor. Pooh & friends theme.

^Cake, cupcakes & agar agar. nice right...

Lastly, group pic!

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