Monday, April 13, 2009

Keon 11th month milestone

So fast, my little boy is 11 months old. Keon is a fast learner, he no longer crawling, he is walking everywhere in the house even before he turns 1 year old!!! I am very proud of him!

Milestones that he had reached:
  • walk
  • call laoye "papa"
  • only call me "mama" when he is desperate for me to carry him
  • know how to say "baobao", "apple"
  • understand what is "bye bye", "water", "eat", "no", "cannot", "give me", "pray", "kiss", "fly", "go kai kai"
  • Finger feeds
  • holds his own bottle even when walking
  • knows how to walk to kitchen and ask the maid for water
  • knows how to get down from bed
  • knows how to use things to steps up and reach for things that he want
  • wants to imitate our actions like pressing lift buttons, switching on lights, using tv controller etc
  • and his favourite past time?.... digging wallets and bags!

He is turning 1 year old soon and I am busy with preparing for his big bash. Venue, theme, decor are done but still have so many things left undone such as guest lists, invitation card, catering, cake design, door gifts and his 'birthday suit" Time is running out, hopefully all be done by this weekend!

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